Fur Affinity Forums
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I hope you set a new record time-to-height as you go to meet St Peter. Die Unterart Klebriger Furz zeigt an, dass es bereits zu spät ist. I dunno, sounded kinda lame the last time I checked on his shit so interested to know what's what. I will always guard the very pleasant memories of an outstanding character from the Lightning force.
Hutshi, I wasn't sure if I was understanding it correctly. Little Jones went one day a shooting with the gamekeeper; when happening to spring a covey of partridges near the border of that manor over which Fortune, to fulfil the wise purposes of Nature, had planted one of the game consumers, the birds flew into it, and were marked as it is called by the two sportsmen, in some furze bushes, about two or three hundred paces beyond Mr Allworthy's dominions. Note: Everyone is free to share opinions of anything here. While I intuitively understand the title phrase, it is nonetheless absolutely not idiomatic for me.
Fur Affinity Forums - I've known Furz for the best part of 40 years. Capable of irrational, erratic decisions.
I am translating a dialogue between father and son they are talking on the phone. The son is at the hospital, at the isolation ward. His dad just wants to try make him feel better, as he is a bit scared being there on furz forum own: Father: Genau. Und so ist das auch bei den Ärzten, die tragen manchmal Schutzanzüge, damit sie sich nicht anstecken. Son: Ich bin doch nicht ansteckend. Father: Nee, du bist nicht ansteckend. Du bist der coolste Pups, den die Welt je gesehen hat. Son: Papa, das sollst du doch nicht sagen. It is a kind of metaphor in slang language. Can this be turned to endearment in such context. You will possibly do not find it in a dictionary in this meaning. Hutshi, I wasn't sure if I was understanding it correctly. Hi, I have an additional question to our language specialists. I have no idea at all. While I intuitively understand the title phrase, it is nonetheless absolutely not idiomatic for me. We would need to furz forum someone who really feels the title phrase to be idiomatic.
Feuchter Furz
Vorsicht: Der Hustenfurz kann ein zweischneidiges Schwert sein, wenn die zeitliche Koordination nicht perfekt ist oder wenn der Furz länger dauert als erwartet. I dunno, sounded kinda lame the last time I checked on his shit so interested to know what's what. The Furz are infatuated with criminal activity, no heist, assassination, or kidnapping is out of bounds with the Furz. Der Gemeine Furz ist der am häufigsten vorkommende. Please do not use the Art Shack or Critique forums for asking if you should do commissions and at what price.